Maple Mousse with Glazed Apple Nuggets recipe

Maple Mousse with Glazed Apple Nuggets recipe

Serves 5

Working time: about 1 hour

Total time: about 1 hour and 45 minutes

Nutritional information

Calories 215

Protein 2g

Cholesterol 25mg

Total fat 79

Saturated 4g

Sodium 35g


15g unsalted butter

2 tant green apples, peeled, cored cut into 1 cm (1/2 inch) cubes 

1tsp fresh lemon juice

175g maple syrup

6 tbsp double cream

1\2 tsp pure vanilla extract

3 egg whites, at room temperature

5 tbsp light brown sugar


Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium high heat. When hot, add the apple and lemon juice, sauté the cubes, turning frequently, until they are light brown-about 10 minutes. Dribble 1 tablespoon of the maple syrup over the apple and sauté for 1 minute more. Transfer the glazed apple to a plate and refrigerate.

In a bowl, whip the cream until it holds stiff peaks, stir in the vanilla, then refrigerate. Put the egg whites into a deep bowl and set them aside.

To prepare the maple flavoring, combine half of the remaining syrup and the sugar in a small pan. Bring to the boil and cook it to the soft-ball stage over medium heat. Begin testing after 4 minutes with a spoon, drop a bit of syrup into a bowl filled with iced water. When it can be rolled into a ball, start beating the egg whites with an electric mixer on medium-high speed.

Pour the hot syrup into the whites in a thin steady stream, beating as you pour. Continue to beat the whites until the meringue has cooled at room temperature for about 7 minutes. Gen fold the cream and the chilled apple pieces in the meringue. (Do not overfold.) Immediate spoon the mousse into six individual dishes and refrigerate them for at least 45 minutes.

To prepare the maple sugar, bring the remaining syrup to the boil in a small pan. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the syrup, stirring, until the mixture crystallizes-about 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Scrape the sugar out of the pan onto a wo surface. Crush the sugar until finely crumbled

Just before serving, sprinkle some of the maple sugar on each portion of mousse.