Milk Biscuits Recipe

Milk Biscuits Recipe


Two pounds of ?our, sifted. Half a pound of butter. Two eggs. Six wine-glasses of milk. Two wine-glasses of the best brewer's yeast, or three of good home-made yeast.

Cut the butter into the milk, and warm it slightly on the top of the stove, or near the ?re. Sift the ?our into a pan, and pour the milk and butter into it. Beat the eggs, and pour them in also. Lastly the yeast. Mix all well together with a knife.

Flour your paste-board, put the lump of dough on it, and knead it very hard. Then cut the dough in small pieces, and knead them into round balls. Stick the tops of them with a fork.

Lay them in buttered pans and set them to rise. They will probably be light in an hour. When they are quite light, put them in a moderate oven and bake them.

They are best when quite fresh.