Rolls Recipe

Rolls Recipe


Three pints of ?our, sifted. Two tea-spoonfuls of salt. Four table-spoonfuls of the best brewer's yeast, or six of home-made yeast. Half a pint more of warm water, and a little more ?our to mix in before the kneading.

Mix the salt with the ?our, and make a deep hole in the middle. Stir the warm water into the yeast, and pour it into the hole in the ?our. Stir it with a spoon just enough to make a thin batter, and sprinkle some ?our over the top. Cover the pan, and set it in a warm place for several hours.

When it is light, add half a pint more of lukewarm water; and make its with a little more ?our, into a dough. Knead it

very well for ten minutes. Then divide it into small pieces, and knead each separately. Make them into round cakes or rolls. Cover them, and set them to rise about an hour and a half.

Bake them, and when done, let them remain in the oven, without the lid, for about ten minutes.