Rusk Recipe

Rusk Recipe

A quarter of a pound of powdered sugar. A quarter of a pound of fresh butter. One pound of ?our sifted. One egg. Three wine-glasses of milk. A wine-glass and a half of the best yeast.

A table-spoonful of rose-water. A tea-spoonful of powdered cinnamon.

Sift your ?our into a pan. Cut up the butter in the milk, and warm them a little, so as to soften the butter, but not to melt it entirely. Beat your egg; pour the milk and butter into your pan of ?our, then the egg, then the rose-water and spice, and lastly the yeast. Stir all well together with a knife.

Spread some ?our on your paste-board: lay the dough on it, and knead it well. Then divide it into small pieces of an equal size, and knead each piece into a little thick round cake. Butter an iron pan, lay the cakes in it, and set them in a warm place to rise. Prick the tops with a fork. When they are quite light, bake them in a moderate oven.