Spanish buns recipe

Spanish buns recipe
  1. Four eggs.
  2. Three quarters of a pound of flour, sifted.
  3. Half a pound of powdered white sugar.
  4. Two wine-glasses and a half of rich milk.
  5. Six ounces of fresh butter.
  6. A wine-glass and a half of the best yeast.
  7. A table-spoonful of rose-water.A grated nutmeg.
  8. A large tea-spoonful of powdered mace and cinnamon.

Sift half a pound of flour into a broad pan, and sift a
quarter of a pound, separately, into a deep plate, and set it
aside. Put the milk into a soup-plate, cut up the butter, and
set it on the stove or near the fire to warm, but do not let it
get too hot. When the butter is very soft, stir it all through
the milk with a knife, and set it away to cool. Beat the eggs
very light, and mix the milk and butter with them, all at
once; then pour all into the pan of flour. Put in the spice, and
the rose-water, or if you prefer it, eight drops of essence of
lemon. Add the yeast, of which an increased quantity will be
necessary, if it is not very strong and fresh. Stir the whole
very hard, with a knife. Add the sugar gradually. If the sugar
is not stirred in slowly, a little at a time, the buns will be
heavy. Then, by degrees, sprinkle in the renaming quarter of
a pound of flour. Stir all well together; butter a square iron
pan, and put in the mixture. Cover it with a cloth, and set it
near the fire to rise. It will probably not be light in less than
five hours. When it is risen very high, and is covered with
bubbles, bake it in a moderate oven, about a quarter of an
hour or more in proportion to its thickness.
When it is quite cool, cut it in squares, and grate loafsugar over them. This quantity will make twelve or fifteen
They are best the day they are baked.
You may, if you choose, bake them separately, in small
square tins, adding to the baiter half a pound of currants orchopped raisins, well floured, and stirred in at the last.
In making buns, stir the yeast well before you put it in,
having first poured off the beer or thin part from the top. If
your yeast is not good, do not attempt to make buns with it,
as they will never be light.
Buns may be made in a plainer way, with the following
ingredients, mixed in the above manner.
Half a pound of flour, sifted into a pan.
A quarter of a pound of flour, sifted in a plate, and set aside
sprinkle in at the last.
Three eggs, well beaten.
A quarter of a pound of powdered sugar.
Three wine-glasses of milk.
A wine-glass and a half of the best yeast.
A quarter of a pound of butter, cut up, and warmed in the