Gingerbread Nuts Recipe

Gingerbread Nuts Recipe


Two pounds of ?our, sifted. One pound of fresh butter. One quart of sugar-house molasses. Two ounces of ginger, or more, if it is not very strong. Twelve dozen grains of allspice, powdered and sifted Six dozen cloves, powdered and sifted. Half an ounce of cinnamon, powdered and sifted. A half tea-spoonful of pearl-ash or salaeratus, dissolved in a little vinegar.

Cut up the butter in the ?our, and mix it with the ginger and other spice. Wet the whole with the molasses, and stir all well together with a knife. Then add the dissolved pearl- ash or salaeratus.

Throw some ?our on your paste-board, take the dough (a large handful at a time) and knead it in separate cakes. Then put all together, and knead It very hard for a long time, in one large lump. Cut the lump in half, roll it out in two even sheets, about half an inch thick, and cut it out in little cakes, with a very small tin, about the size of a cent. Lay them in buttered pans, and bake them in a moderate oven, taking care they do not scorch, as gingerbread is more liable to burn than any other cake,

You may, if you choose, shape the gingerbread nuts, by putting ?our in your hand, taking a very small piece of the dough, and rolling it into a little round ball.