kisses recipe

kisses recipe
  1. One pound of the best loaf sugar, powdered and sifted.
  2. The whites of four eggs.Twelve drops of essence of lemon.
  3. A tea-cup of currant jelly.

Beat the whites of four eggs till they stand alone. Then
heat in, gradually, the sugar, a tea-spoonful at a time. Add
the essence of lemon, and beat the whole very hard.

Lay a wet sheet of paper on the bottom of a square tin
pan. Drop on it, at equal distances, a small tea-spoonful of
stiff currant jelly. [Footnote: It is better to put a little of the
beaten white of egg and sugar at first under the currant
jelly.] With a large spoon, pile some of the beaten white of
egg and sugar, on each lump of jelly, so as to cover it
entirely. Drop on the mixture as evenly as possible, so as to
make the kisses of a round smooth shape.

Set them in a cool open, and as soon as they are coloured,
they are done. Then take them out and place them two
bottoms together. Lay them lightly on sieve, and dry them
in a cool oven, till the two bottoms stick fast together, so as
to form one ball or oval.